For 50 lbs. of meat
Yummy product and awesome customer service
We have made deer bologna for several years now but never used a binder until now. Wow! What a difference! I definitely recommend using! It makes the texture of the bologna so much better! It does make the mixing more difficult which is challenging when mixing by hand. However, the end product is worth it! We will never make bologna again without it!
Although I've introduced others to CY products, this is one they skimped on. They shouldn't have. This produces consistently great smoked sausage. Just follow the CY recipe and it works perfectly.
We make venison/pork italian sausage every year. Due to the lean/dry consistency of the venison, we started adding binder and warm water to the mixture. When the sausage is cooked in it's casing without pricking it during cooking it turns out to be the best tasting and juiciest ever. BTW...go with the mild "Plus 2" seasoning if you're making Italian sausage.
I have been using this binder for several years now and everybody loves the balogna mix I use this for.
I use the binder in conjunction with the Pennsylvania bologna mix and curing salt. If you are hand mixing the ground meat with this binder - don't mix more than about 12 lbs at a time as this binder makes the mix quite stiff. For a 12.5 lb meat mix
put in 1/4 of the recipe binder then add about 1/2 half cup water to the meat and mix. repeat this 3 more times. don't let your mix sit more than 30 hours before packaging. I stuff most of my bologna into hog casings but it also makes wonderful burgers and meat loaf - Try it you will like it
great product